We Provide Clarity for Clients Dealing with Complex Problems
Technological change and evolving market dynamics are challenging legacy regulatory and policy frameworks. Despite consumers having a growing set of communications alternatives the increasing reliance on the internet as part of everyday life means that affordable access to communications and broadband connectivity is essential. Consequently, the efficient provision of communications and broadband networks and services, as well as their regulation, remains a persistent concern for governments and regulators.
SR Economics has strong experience providing comprehensive support on matters relating to the regulation of communications networks and services. We have worked with a broad set of industry participants including network operators, retail service providers (RSPs) regulators, policymakers and consumer groups. Our recent work includes advising NBN Co in relation to its Special Access Undertaking (SAU) proposal to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and its response to the Commonwealth Government Competitive Neutrality Complaints Office (CGCNO) in response to a formal complaint alleging that NBN Co was gaining competitive advantage merely from its status as a Government’s Business Enterprise (GBE).
We have also conducted modelling to identify and measure the economic and social benefits of investment in broadband and telecommunications networks. As well as looking at the benefits that flow from the initial infrastructure investment our previous work analysed the impacts of different regulatory approaches and policy frameworks on the overall net benefits that flow from that investment.
Members of the SR Economics team have extensive experience and knowledge of the telecommunications sector having worked for several Australian-based network operators as well as previously advising a number of overseas operators, regulatory agencies and governments on a range of regulatory and policy matters.
Transport and transport infrastructure is the backbone of national economies and global trade. Transport network and services provide connections for people and goods, access to jobs and services, and enables trade and economic growth. The efficient provision of roads, rail, ports and airports are vitally important to our social and economic well-being.
Despite their importance, investments in transport infrastructure and services require significant economic resources and have material flow-on economic, social and environmental impacts. SR Economics have experience working with Government and transport planners to maximise the economic and social benefits of transport investments while ameliorating any environmental and social disbenefits.
SR Economics has worked on several projects focused on improving transport infrastructure and services. Working with Governments and transport agencies we have identified road and urban transport projects with net long-term benefits for society and have advised on appropriate funding options to maximise social welfare. We have also advised on the merits of designing and constructing cycle ways based on their environmental and health-related impacts.
We have also advised on appropriate regulatory structures and pricing models for monopoly infrastructure, including rail network and port infrastructure.
Efficient and well-functioning infrastructure is essential for a modern society. Energy, water, transport and communications infrastructure are all crucial for economic growth, competitiveness and social cohesiveness.
That said the funding, construction, ownership and ongoing operation of essential infrastructure raises complex economic, environmental and social issues. SR Economics has helped a diverse range of clients deal with these and effectively communicate their thinking to relevant stakeholders.
We have worked with a broad range of clients looking at issues related to the funding and regulation of infrastructure across several industries. We have assisted policymakers when designing subsidy schemes for infrastructure to support the provision of essential services, including telecommunications and energy networks. We have also assisted clients to identify future infrastructure needs in the face of technological change, evolving consumer preferences and changes in market dynamics.
Our work includes advising on appropriate regulatory frameworks, including the deregulation of monopoly infrastructure and essential services. Sectors include communications, transport, energy and water.
Government-Funded and Social Services
Health, housing, education and aged-care services represent a large proportion of Government expenditure. While these services primarily aim to provide social benefits, their economic impacts are substantial and should also inform ongoing policy development. As governments strive to meet increasing demands in these areas with limited resources, service providers actively seek to enhance service delivery models and achieve cost efficiencies without compromising quality.
SR Economics works with Government, not-for-profit and private sector clients to identify policy reforms and operational improvements that enhance social and economic outcomes in these sectors. Our experience demonstrates that technology often presents opportunities for improved service delivery as well as cost savings. However, the adoption of technology must be integrated into broader operational practices and supported by education and training.
We acknowledge that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges faced by these sectors Successful outcomes require a first principles approach that prioritises people as the central focus of service delivery models and policy reforms.
Technology, Innovation, Research and Development
Investment in technology, innovation and research and development (R&D) is an important driver of improved productivity, job creation and improved living standards. While the private sector is the primary driver of investment in technology, innovation, and R&D due to its entrepreneurial nature and profit motive, Government plays a vital role in fostering an environment conducive to innovation and R&D. Governments also play an important role in facilitating collaboration between research institutions and private investors to fund and support innovation and R&D.
Members of the SR Economics team have extensive experience working with all levels of Government (local, State and Commonwealth) to develop policies and programs which encourage investment in innovation and R&D as well as investment in the commercialisation of new and experimental technologies. This includes providing advice in relation to the design and payment of proposed research grants and R&D tax credits as well as State and local governments providing direct funding support for the creation of research hubs and R&D collaboration programs.
SR Economics has also assisted companies in quantifying the anticipated economic, social, or environmental advantages that would result from a specific innovation or new technology. This modelling helps companies when seeking support from the private sector or Government for their innovation, including assistance in commercialising their products or services.
SR Economics experience in regulation, public policy, economic modelling and strategy across telecommunications, transport, infrastructure and government-funded services enables us to provide similar services to a range of other sectors.
We work with clients to understand their business and operating environment and we apply our deep understanding of markets, organisations, regulations and Government policies to help them make better decisions.